சுத்வொர சுத்துதே நெட்சுத் … ் … “Internet speed is bad; India among the last 10 places” | India Stands One Thirty First Rand in Global Index published by Ookla Speedtest in Mobile Internet Speed ​​| Tamil news online

சுத்வொர சுத்துதே நெட்சுத் … ் … “Internet speed is bad; India among the last 10 places” | India Stands One Thirty First Rand in Global Index published by Ookla Speedtest in Mobile Internet Speed ​​| Tamil news online

“Rounding the Earth

It’s not enough, Sami. Recently Internet speed count of countries around the world India is ranked 131 in the Speed ​​Test (Ookla) Global Index. The speed test publishes this index monthly. In this case, the results for the month of January are currently out.

India is two places behind India in December. Recently it was reported that 5G internet service has been tested in India. Internet download speed in India is 12.41 megabytes per second and upload speed is 4.76 megabits per second.

The image

Ookla estimates the service speed of the Internet in about 140 countries. India is in the last ten places.

United Arab Emirates, South Korea and Qatar top the list.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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