Xbox says it is more important than ever to ensure access to the classics •

Xbox says it is more important than ever to ensure access to the classics •

Sony UPS announced the closure of the digital store, and Nintendo dropped digital games.

In a week when Nintendo pulled out two games from its digital store for the Nintendo Switch and Sony announced the closure of PS3, PSP and PS Vita digital stores over the summer, Xbox sent a message about the importance of preserving the classics Left.

After receiving congratulations for making it increasingly easy to access Xbox 360 classics, with the announcement of the availability of 16 xCloud streaming games on Android devices, Xbox responded that it is more important than ever to ensure that it Be sure who wants to be liked. To play them.

In its message Xbox says, “Over time, it becomes more important to ensure that gaming classics and icons are preserved for players new and old.”

“If your first Morrowind game was on your Xbox in 2002 or on your phone in 2021, we are excited to share our experiences with you.”

Xbox has long been at the forefront of efforts to preserve access to the classics and its work on backward compatibility ensures that many Xbox 360 games have been received as “instant remasters” without interference from those responsible for the game Can be described in Easy access to games from multiple generations on a console is also a way to show your dedication to preserving the game.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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