Women out of majority in Iceland’s parliament after vote count | World

Women out of majority in Iceland’s parliament after vote count |  World

a Iceland It seemed to have become the first country in Europe with a majority of women in parliament, but after the final results of the vote were recalculated, this Sunday (26) represented less than 50% full representation, an electoral authority. informed AFP.

After this new recalculation, which changed the result in one of the country’s six constituencies, three women and the share of deputy in the new parliament fell from 33 to 30, explained AFP Ingi Trygvason, the chairman of the local election commission.

Negotiations to form an alliance in Iceland have traditionally been lengthy. The good news from the elections is that the country is moving away from the scenario of political blockade. Since the failure of Icelandic banks during the 2008 financial crisis and the severe crisis that followed, the outgoing Icelandic government has not managed to maintain a majority in parliament. You have to go back to 2003 to find the precedent.

According to analysts, discussions between the three party leaders and the future occupants of Stojörnradid, the modest White House, which houses the Icelandic head of government, will raise questions.

“Given the decline we are seeing, the Greens may have to re-evaluate their position in government,” says Eva nudóttir, professor of political science at the University of Iceland.

The current government marked a return to political stability in Iceland. It is only the second time since the 2008 financial crisis, which devastated Banks and many Icelanders, that a team has completed its term. There were five elections in Iceland between 2007 and 2017.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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