WHO representative criticizes crowd at Euro Cup final

WHO representative criticizes crowd at Euro Cup final

Epidemiologist and head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Maria van Kerkhove, used her Twitter account to address the lack of awareness of many fans during the Euro Cup final in London this Sunday. done for 11), between England and Italy.
“Should I enjoy watching the broadcast happen before my eyes? The Covid-19 pandemic isn’t going away tonight… Delta version of Sars-CoV-2, without screaming, without screaming, of people in bunches Will take advantage. / Singing mask. Destructive,” he wrote in his social network account.
It is quite rare for WHO representatives to post opinions about specific countries or events, but the release to the public during European Cup matches had already raised criticism due to scenes seen in stadiums.
Despite officials being told that protocol was followed, it was quite common to see people without masks and gathering in stands without maintaining any kind of social distancing.
And van Kerkhove’s remarks come at a time of a sharp rise in the number of Covid-19 cases in the UK, with a daily average of 31,500 infections – much higher than those recorded in March, April, May and early June.
Officials say that, apart from the relief in health regulations, the delta strain most likely to be responsible for the rapid spread, first detected in India, and now the dominant mutation in British territory, is.
The only good news is that deaths have not been accompanied by an increase in contamination due to population-wide vaccination – more than 87% have received the first dose and 66% of citizens have completed the vaccination cycle. .

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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