In the end Wednesday (6), WhatsApp started warning its users about changes in terms of usage and privacy policies. The guidelines, which came into effect from 8 February, drew great attention to one detail: it would not be possible to prevent the exchange of data between messengers. Facebook are found.
The company makes it clear that, from the date the new terms will be implemented, it will be mandatory to accept the exchange of information between platforms. If users do not agree to this and do not click to accept the changes, the account will be suspended. This will make it impossible to use Messenger unless users agree to the new rules.
For now, when a window with new conditions appears, it is possible to click “not now” to make it disappear. However, the content of the message is very clear. In addition to expanding the changes brought about by the new guidelines, the text indicates that the user should “accept updates to continue using WhatsApp”.
You are also given the option to “use the help center if you want to delete your account and get more information”.
Whatsapp business
The change also affects the way companies manage customer data using the corporate version of Messenger. It is possible that some of these companies will share the collected information on social networks with their corporate accounts Mark zuckerberg.
Remember that the quoted data may include phone number, name, device usage and some other information. Conversations and media are completely protected, not being shared with anyone – since, according to social networks, end-to-end encryption is used.
Via: uol