Last August of this year, WhatsApp Significant changes for its desktop version are included, as the company has added basic editing tools to WhatsApp Web and desktop that already existed in mobile phones, among them: cropping an image, with an emoji, stickers and brushes. Painting, tasks that users have been expecting a long time ago. This time, we will teach you a simple trick to hide the word ‘online’ that appears every time you use the platform.
If you want to go unnoticed, the technology portal sputniknews, recommends to activate the ‘invisible mode’ of WhatsApp Web, however, first you need to install the Google Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store, this is approx. WA Web PlusClick here to get it quickly Here and click install.
How to Hide WhatsApp Web’s ‘Online’
- After following the above steps from your computer or laptop, click on the extension icon in the upper right corner, you find it in the shape of a puzzle piece.
- All Chrome extensions will be displayed. Now, touch the nail on the side of WA Web Plus.
- As you can see, in the upper right corner you have pinned the extension to the Chrome taskbar, click on the green cross circle.
- Several options will appear to search, locate and activate the option that eliminates connectivity status to turn on invisible mode.
- Done, you will no longer appear online even though you are chatting with whatsapp web.
- It is important to clarify that if you access WhatsApp from your mobile your activity status will be activated again.
do you have problems WhatsApp? Do you need to report it? If you have any kind of problem, you can write to their contact email: [email protected] or [email protected]. You can make the same request from your iPhone through a service exclusive to iOS.
Now, if you have any FAQ, you can fill the form using this link. There all you have to do is enter your phone number in addition to your area code, and then enter your message followed by your identification.