Telegram passed last Friday (14) Make fun with whatsapp Due to new and controversial guidelines for using the app. The Facebook Messenger team tried to come back to a post on Twitter, but the shot backfired.
Last week, Telegram posted a picture comparing it on Twitter. Whatsapp with recycle bin. The Facebook application team responded with a meme indicating that the competitor does not have end-to-end encryption enabled by default.
.@WhatsApp Our users know how things work, and have open source apps to prove it. You … talk screenshot ?? It says that you are lying.
– Telegram Messenger (@telegram) 15 May, 2021
Telegram responded to the provocation, saying that WhatsApp is not transparent with its audience. “Our users know how things work, and we have open source to prove it,” said the application’s profile.
In addition, Telegram also published an image attacking WhatsApp encryption. According to the application, the Facebook platform can use chat to restore conversations with just one phone number.
In addition, Telegram states that WhatsApp shares information with Apple and Google. Facebook Messenger uses iCloud and Google Drive cloud services to save user data and backup messages.
New usage guidelines
WhatsApp did not comment on the Telegram publication, but recently posted on Twitter about a change in its usage guidelines. The new application policies include clauses that allow information to be shared with Facebook.
* Checks the calendar. Puts coffee *. Okay. let’s do this. No, we cannot see your personal messages. No, we will not delete your account. Yes, you can accept at any time.
– WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) 14 May, 2021
According to WhatsApp, the application cannot view messages and audio sent within the application. In addition, the platform clarified that the user will not delete their account and can accept the new rules of use “at any time”.
WhatsApp’s new guidelines started going into effect this weekend. Following an agreement with the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), Brazilian users have Up to 90 days To accept the rules without being restricted in the app.