Vietnamese man arrested while going to India to find wife – International

Vietnamese man arrested while going to India to find wife – International

A Vietnamese man, who was trying to reach India by rowing to meet his wife, was rescued by the Thai Navy – local officials informed AFP, adding that the couple had to face restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Was separated for two years.

Ho Hoang Hung left Phuket in southern Thailand, in early March, in a small inflatable raft carrying only gallons of water and bags of dehydrated food. His aim was to cross the Bay of Bengal and reach India 2,000 km away to see his wife.

The 37-year-old was seen on Wednesday (23) from a fishing boat near the Thai Similan Islands, 80 km from the mainland.

Captain Pichet Songtan of the Thai Maritime Security Command Center told AFP that the fishermen then contacted authorities, who rescued and arrested Hung.

Ho Hoang Hung had no map, no compass, no GPS. The captain said he was wearing only what he was wearing and was carrying a limited amount of water.

His journey began in Vietnam, from where he flew to Bangkok. Knowing that he would need a visa to enter India, he took a bus to Phuket and bought a plastic boat there.

Apparently halted by headwinds, he made little progress in his two-week journey.

Now Ho Hoang Hung will be transferred to Phuket, where he will be interrogated.

The Thai authorities have contacted the embassies of Vietnam and India to look into your matter.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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