VIDEO – A meteor shower with debris from Comet Halley seen in Santa Catarina

VIDEO – A meteor shower with debris from Comet Halley seen in Santa Catarina

A meteor shower with debris from Halley’s Comet was recorded in the early hours of this Friday, 22, in the municipality of Monte Castello, in the northern plateau of Santa Catarina. This phenomenon was captured by amateur astronomer Joaquimar Justino. He is also a member of the Brazilian Meteor Monitoring Network (BRAMOM).

According to Jochimar, every October the Earth crosses the trail of particles left behind by Comet Halley on its previous passage close to the Sun. “As the planet passes this mark at this time of year, many particles enter Earth’s atmosphere and produce a luminous effect known as a meteor”, he explains.

This year, periods of greatest intensity of these meteors were predicted on Wednesday, 20th and Thursday, 21st. According to Jochimer, it is possible to observe a greater number of meteors on these dates, but the rains called the Orionids are active between September 26 and November 22.

“This is the second meteor shower related to Halley’s debris. The first maximum occurs in May and is called “Eta Aquaridas” and is happening now, with a maximum in October, called the Orionids or Orionids, he comments does.


Jochimar says that the Orionids enter Earth’s atmosphere at an estimated speed of 66 kilometers per second (km/s), which is equivalent to about 237,000 kilometers per hour.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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