Earlier this month, Russia added Hunter Biden to its sanctions list along with President Joe Biden and members of the US government.
Sputnik – After the allegations by the Russian Defense Ministry, members of the Republican Party sought answers from the White House.
Republican members of the US House Oversight Committee on Thursday demanded that the White House release documents about its activities in Ukraine and Russia.
They argue that recent sanctions imposed by Russia on Hunter Biden raise new questions about his business.
Earlier this month, Russia added Hunter Biden to its sanctions list along with President Joe Biden and members of the US government.
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The request to the White House to clarify Hunter’s business comes after serious allegations made by the Russian Defense Ministry in the context of a special military operation in Ukraine.
The Western press also pressured Biden following revelations that entities controlled by the son and brother of the US president received $4.8 million in payments from the Chinese energy giant.
In a letter to the White House, lawmakers said, “Hunter Biden’s relationship to the Russian sphere of influence is now particularly relevant.”
“The country’s adversaries clearly see the president’s son as a pressure point for exploitation. Furthermore, his inclusion on the list is the latest evidence that Hunter Biden was indeed involved in business schemes with our opponents. So “We request information from the White House regarding Hunter Biden’s deals in Russia and Ukraine,” the document concluded.
The lawmakers also noted the payment of US$3.5 million (R$16.5 million) to Hunter Biden by Elena Baturina, the wife of the former Moscow mayor.
In reasons to clarify Hunter Biden’s past, lawmakers recall other allegations.
He highlights his rich history of managing a “Ukrainian energy conglomerate”, selling cobalt mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), linking his father to Kazakhstan’s oil oligarchs, and benefiting from his father’s position in preventing inserted. A Romanian tycoon has been convicted of bribery.
Lawmakers asked the White House to submit the requested documents by April 14.
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