US partners with indigenous people to care for sanctuary

US partners with indigenous people to care for sanctuary

The United States recently declared a patch of ocean off the coast of Central California its newest National Marine Sanctuary. With approximately 11,766 square km, it is the third largest of its kind in the country and the first to be operated in partnership with indigenous people.

The sanctuary was proposed in 2015 and named the Chumash National Marine Heritage Sanctuary by the Northern Chumash Tribal Council. according to IFLScienceIt is the first marine protected area in 30 years to be managed specifically for biodiversity conservation.

This is because the area has a wide variety of marine life and environmental features which, Second The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is threatened by human activities and climate change.

government point
Government Point, located within the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary (Image: NOAA)

In statement“This sanctuary conserves the region’s rich biodiversity and creates new opportunities for responsible research, recreation and tourism, ensuring that this incredible ecosystem is preserved,” said John Armour, director of NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. So that future generations can experience and enjoy.”

What will be the indigenous efforts to care for the new marine sanctuary?

  • To preserve the sanctuary, protection against industrial activities, such as new offshore gas and oil exploration, is envisaged, in addition to a ban on waste dumping;
  • Another measure is the creation of regulations, aimed at banning waste dumping as well as ensuring that the native species of the area live in peace and that species from outside are not introduced;
  • The participation and knowledge of the Chumash people was important in developing such regulations and the space management plan. They have lived and protected the California coastline for thousands of years.
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“We are still here, and wherever you live, the natives are still here. Being able to address climate change, using traditional ecological knowledge, and participating in co-management allows Indigenous peoples to contribute to saving the planet,” said Violet Sage Walker, Chairwoman of the Northern Chumash Tribal Council. npr,

However, there were criticisms during the process, such as allegations of little consultation with indigenous communities and the final extent of the sanctuary being smaller than originally defined for offshore wind development. Regarding expanding the site’s boundaries, NOAA said it would consider it in the future.

“Commitments were made, but I think that’s how we’re also going to deal with climate change. Dealing with renewable green energy is not always easy,” Walker added.

Chumash indigenous people
The Chumash people will help preserve the sanctuary (Image: Hanator/Shutterstock)

next steps

Although the sanctuary has already been officially designated as such, further steps still need to be taken. The next step will be to create a local advisory council, which will include members of indigenous communities.

“The Chumash government has never given up its tribal right to manage our traditional lands. We are grateful that NOAA recognizes this inherent sovereignty and welcomes us as co-managers of the sanctuary that bears our name. It’s a time to celebrate,” said Kenneth Kahn, president of the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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