US city tells residents to stop throwing animals into lake after ‘giant goldfish’ are found

US city tells residents to stop throwing animals into lake after ‘giant goldfish’ are found

An appeal by the City of Burnsville, Minnesota, says the animals ‘grows more than people realize’ and could be deteriorating local water quality

Burnsville City Hall/Twitter/PlaybackAnimals have been found in the lake and local marine life is threatened

The US city of Burnsville, Minnesota, issued an official warning last Friday, 9th, asking for residents’ help to avoid overpopulation of “exotic” animals in lakes in the region. Local environmental agents believe that small fish Dorados purchased as pets have been abandoned in the area by their former owners, threatening the local biodiversity, as the animals are not native to the area. America. “Please do not leave your pet goldfish in ponds. They grow more than you think and worsen water quality,” City Hall said in a Twitter post. In the images, it is possible to see the rescued “giant animals”. Some of them measure more than two palms.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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