Unusual full images of Jupiter!

Unusual full images of Jupiter!
These images, published on the US National Astronomy Laboratory website, which simultaneously captured 3 spectral bands – infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light, led scientists to compare follow-ups at different wavelengths on January 11, 2017, and new, invisible details Permission to receive. First about the atmosphere of the planet.

Multi-spectral images allow astronomers to obtain details that might not otherwise be obtained. For example, visible light allows Jupiter’s surface to be identified, but it does not allow clouds to be determined. And in infrared radiation, we find luminous bands that indicate thin cloud layers, allowing better emission of thermal energy from the planet. In the form of ultraviolet rays, it allows scientists to observe minute rise and spread in the planet’s atmosphere, for example, the upper layer appears red as a result of absorbing ultraviolet light, while blue field reflections result There are violet light at small altitudes.

By looking at the large, bright red spot in visible and ultraviolet light, it became clear to scientists that it had vanished into infrared light, and that its smaller counterpart, the Oval SA, was not visible at all in the infrared image . In contrast, the stripes of the cloud moving in opposite directions in three directions are clearly visible in the three images.

According to scientists, the reason for this discrepancy is the detection of different structures at different wavelengths: infrared adherent regions are shown to be covered with dense clouds, while areas of visible and ultraviolet ray adherent chromophores are shown – Molecules that absorb blue and ultraviolet light, and give red space and oval to Osan Orange.

And the statement from the American National Astronomy Laboratory suggests that this follow-up provides a beautiful tour around Mars, and gives us a view of its atmosphere, where each wavelength studies different layers of clouds and minutes of fog. is. “

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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