An unprecedented study conducted in Brazil and the United States will measure the impact of communication channels in decision-making about the adoption of new technologies in agriculture. Promoted by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and the University of Illinois, the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Mato Grosso (Famoto), the Brazilian Association of Soy Producers (Aprosox Brasil) and the National Supply Company (CONB), research each Focuses on soybean producers from the five main states of the country.
In Brazil, target audiences are Moto Grosso, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Gois, and Mato Grosso do Sul. The same research will be applied in the USA to Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana and Nevadaska. The selection criteria were five states, with the largest area being soy with soy in each country.
It takes only five to seven minutes to answer the questions, all of which are multiple choices. Respondents will not be identified and all responses will be confidential. At the end of the questionnaire, the producer can also include his or her e-mail address to get the results of the survey.
To participate, use the questionnaire here:
The online survey will seek to identify the contributions of mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, websites), social media (WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram) and interpersonal relationships (field day, conferences, extension workers, salespeople) The decision to adopt a new technology for farming.
Journalist and doctoral student Joanna Collie said, “The results will be instrumental in disseminating digital solutions in agriculture, fostering new research in agricultural communications, helping strategies for a region still lacking in data” Professor of UFRGS Study together with Antonio Padula, and Gary Schneitek from the University of Illinois.
Researcher Serogo de Zen, Director of Agricultural Policy and Information at Coneb, points out that the development of agricultural crops is directly related to technological adoption in the region. “This is why it is very important to have reliable data for action and monitoring in this direction,” says de Zen.
For the executive director of Aprosoja Brasil, Fabrício Rosa is familiarizing the farmer with these new information technologies, the ease of information and communication provided by the Internet. However, according to them, its full use still depends on better connectivity in the region.
“For research of this nature it is important to understand the tools that manufacturers want to use in their businesses to make better decisions. Today there is a multitude of digital options and much more can be adopted if a more reliable internet is available in a rural area. Investment was made to implement the infrastructure, ”he said.
In Brazil, research is also supported by the Federation of Agriculture of Rio Grande do Sul (Farsoul), the Federation of Agriculture of Paraná (Fap) and the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Agriculture and Goleys (Fag), in which Emers, in addition to universities, is cooperative. Committees and public and private organizations involved in agribusiness.