This Friday (1/1), the United States registered 20 million people infected with coronavirus. So far, there have been 346,408 deaths in the country. The information was released by Johns Hopkins University, which monitors epidemic data worldwide.
The United States is the most affected country in the world by Kovid-19. The institution estimates that in less than a month, 5 million Americans have become infected. On 8 December, 15 million cases were reported in the country. During the last month of 2020, more than 3,000 people died due to Sir-COV-2 infection.
Vaccination against Kovid-19 in the United States faces delays. The country has already revealed that it has failed to reach the target set for 2020 to vaccinate 20 million people.
According to data from the American Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 2.8 million people were vaccinated in the country, and 12.4 million vaccines were delivered as of last Wednesday. (30/12).
Monsef Saloi, Scientific Advisor for the North American Immunization Operation, admitted that the number of vaccines was lower than expected. “We know it should be better, and we are working hard to make it better,” he said in an interview on Wednesday (12/30).
The first case of the new coronavirus version was reported last Tuesday (12/20) in the US state of Colorado. According to a statement by the state’s governor, Jared Polis, the patient “will be a man in his 20s who is currently isolated in Albert County and has no travel history.”