Twitter issues voice messages to DMs in Brazil, India and Japan

Twitter libera mensagens de voz em DMs no Brasil, Índia e Japão

Twitter began publicly testing the sending of audio messages on social networks. The function is available in DM (direct messages) and can be used in select countries including Brazil.

Apart from our country, the function is also available in Japan and India, and can only be used on Android and iOS smartphones. Novelty in our country may not affect some users, as the option appeared to a select group of people during the previous year.

The option to send a voice message to Twitter appears in the DMS interface of the mobile application with a sound wave symbol. When you click the button, the app starts recording an audio file using the smartphone’s standard microphone.

The recording can be up to 140 seconds long and countdown during capture. Contrary to what happens on platforms like WhatsApp, the message is not sent automatically after the user stops recording.

The application allows you to play and cancel the recorded message as soon as the audio is captured. This allows the user to control one kind of quality before sending a voice message.

Text can be sent with a button in the shape of an airplane, just like a text message.

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Although it is already operating in our country, the trend is that the global launch of the function still takes time. As Happened to the flats, Twitter will test the ceremony in Brazil and other venues for a few months before releasing the novelty widely.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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