Three breweries from Argentina entered into a collaboration to mature in barrels on the seabed in November last year. Everyone thought production was going well, until Wednesday (24), the date chosen for the drink to emerge, after it was discovered that the thieves had dived in and stole the barrel.
Around 600 liters of drinks belonging to Heller, La Paloma and Bom Breweries were taken out by the thieves. The damage to breweries, however, is even greater because the liquid that matured under water was not a prepared beer, but part of a mixture that would be used to produce a new label.
The stolen barrels were trapped in the wreckage of the Soviet Union’s ship Chronomedar, which arrived in Argentina after being abandoned due to the end of the USSR. The fishing boat, which sank in 2014, became a popular spot for divers and because of this was chosen by the Brewers as a “hideout”.
Eduardo Ricardo, one of the owners of the Curvajeria Heller, was the one who had the idea of the project, after hearing about similar maturation processes in other locations, though none of this size.
In addition to creating a special label, with maritime maturity, the breweries hoped to donate part of the profits from the media project to the Municipal Museum of Natural Museum Lorenzo Skeglia, at the Mar de Plata.
However, one day which should have been a pleasure to take out the barrel from the sea is a sad one. Upon reaching the sinking boat, the divers could not find the barrel and realized that the “dreams of brewing beer at the bottom of the sea” were over.
Carlos Breyes, the founder of the diving company that took part in the operation, said that when he discovered the barrels were no longer at the place where they were stored.
Carlos wrote on his Facebook page, “They did not just steal barrels, they stole the hopes of businessmen and the wages of those who wage a good year.” Facebook. According to him, the organizers waited over a year to obtain all the necessary licenses for the operation.
For the culprits, Carlos suspects that “two or three people are behind it”. The main theory is that people with diving experience used a boat to go to the wrecked site about three kilometers from the local harbor, dive 20 meters and steal the barrels.
Destroyed by the loss, the breweries estimate that they had lost two thousand bottles, which would be for sale upon receipt of the mixture. There is no news of any suspect in the crime.