“The weather was a challenge”

“The weather was a challenge”

The largest alpine solar system is being built on the Mathasi dam. Here, 6,000 panels are to be used to generate electricity for 740 homes annually.

Interview with Christoph Sutter from Expo. – drone-air-media.ch

in short needed

  • Major undertaking of Expo: Solar system is being built on Muttasi dam.
  • With 6,000 panels, it will produce 3.3 gigawatt-hours of electricity annually from September.
  • The dam is the tallest dam of its kind in Europe.

This is a jumbo class project: The Expo and IWB (Industrielle Werke Basel) are working together and are about to build “the largest alpine solar plant in Switzerland”. venue Muttasi dam is In the municipality of Glarus, which is 2500 m above sea level.

A total of 5,000 solar modules are expected to generate about 3.3 gigawatt-hours of electricity annually. “About 740 average four-person households consume,” explain the project leaders. The solar system covers a total area of ​​10,000 square meters. This corresponds to approximately 1.5 football fields.

Not only the solar system, but the dam also invites you to be amazed: it is the longest and tallest of its kind in the whole of Europe.

Muttsee wall is «perfectly aligned»

“The dam wall is perfectly aligned, there is never a shadow on the solar panels,” says a happy Christophe Sutter, head of renewable energy Expo. This advantage will benefit the system especially in winters.

Because: the system produces 1.5 times more “winter lightning” than conventional systems in the Swiss Plateau, thanks to the “albedo effect”. This means that more electricity can be produced from the light reflection of the snow. Also, solar panels will work better in winter temperatures.

“it’s also no ordinary solar system» reveals Sutter. Because: The fact that the panels have to be installed at a distance of about 1.5 meters from the dam means that the rear portion can also be used to generate electricity.

Logistics and weather became a challenge

However, there were hardly any major challenges during the construction, which should continue till the end of September. “NS to obtain a permit It was very easy, » says Sutter. Logistics and the scorching heat were one of the biggest challenges.

“There’s no road here,” says Sutter. “That’s why all the ingredients had to be raised.” Bad Season This also led to the fact that the construction work proceeded at a slower pace than expected.

Renewable energy needs more money in Switzerland

some may think how much energy So there is a need to make such a system. the so-called “gray forest” energy», Sutter explains, but it will be compensated by the system itself over the next three years. This also includes construction materials and helicopter flights.

One thing is clear to Sutter: Akshay Ek energyMore support is needed in Switzerland, especially in alpine regions. Because the alpine region lends itself very well to such projects. “The growth in solar systems is large, but at a low level,” he admits.

More on the topic:

energy expo waiter

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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