The Saudi prince sharply criticized Israel at the Bahrain summit

The Saudi prince sharply criticized Israel at the Bahrain summit

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) – A prominent Saudi prince on Sunday slammed a prominent Saudi prince at a security summit in Bahrain, which was attended remotely by Israel’s foreign minister, with Arabs in Azad’s absence. Other deals between the states and Israel represented challenges. Palestinian state.

Provoked by Prince Turki al-Faisal at the Manama Dialogue. The remarks appeared to shield the Israeli foreign minister from caution, especially after the agreement to normalize Israeli relations gave a warm welcome to Bahraini and UAE officials.

The left, unresolved with those deals, however, is the decades-long conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. The Palestinians see the deal as stabbing their fellow Arabs in the back and betraying their purpose.

Prince Turki refuted his remarks, saying that he had portrayed Israel as a “Palestinian reality” of being under “Western colonial rule”, contrary to Israel’s notion of being a “peace-loving supporter of high moral principles.”

Prince Turki said that Israel has detained (Palestinians) in concentration camps on security charges – young men and women, and men and women who are roaming there without any justice. “They are voluntarily tearing down houses and killing whomever they want.”

The prince also criticized Israel’s nuclear weapons and the undeclared weapons of the Israeli government for “releasing their political catalogs and their media outlets from other countries to discredit and discredit the Saudis.”

The prince reiterated the state’s official position that the solution lies in implementing the Arab Peace Initiative, a Saudi-sponsored deal in 2002 that gave Israel access to all Arab states in exchange for a Palestinian state over occupied Israel in 1967. Offers a full relationship with

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He added: “You can’t treat open wounds with patients and painkillers.”

Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi, speaking shortly after Prince Turki, said: “I would like to express my regret over the remarks made by the Saudi envoy.”

“I don’t believe they reflect the sentiment and change taking place in the Middle East.”

The summit highlighted the clashes between Prince Turki and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ally, and the subsequent continued opposition to Israel by many inside Saudi Arabia, although some states seek to increase contact with Jewish groups and people. Supported efforts and supporters of Israel.

Ashkenazi, meanwhile, reiterated Israel’s position that it was the Palestinians who were not responsible for reaching a peace agreement.

Ashkenazi, an ally of Benny Gantz, Netanyahu’s main opponent, said: “We have a choice with the Palestinians whether to resolve this or not, or to play the blame game.

Prince Faisal’s remarks on Dorn Gold, Netanyahu’s confidante and former UN ambassador to the audience, were “allegations of the past – many of which are false.” The prince later appeared on Gold’s previous television show: “Slandering the state and using very bad descriptions.”

“I think Mr. Dore Gold should be the last person here to talk about past beliefs and positions,” Prince said.

Prince Turki led Saudi intelligence for more than 20 years and served as ambassador to the United States and Britain. Although he no longer holds any official position, his stance is reflected in the closeness of Raja Salman.. However, the king’s claimant’s son, 35-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a common adversary, is seen as more willing to quietly join Israel to counter Iran and encourage foreign investment in the state..

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Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif al-Zayani also sought to bridge the gap in his remarks on the platform for a tense exchange. However, he also stressed the importance of the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict based on the two-state solution envisioned by the Arab Peace Initiative.

“The path to peace is not easy. There will be a lot of obstacles along the way, ”he said. “There will be ups and downs. But the basis of that path, the path to peace, is the Israeli-Palestinian issue. ”

In a clear reference to Iran, al-Zayani added that passing a resolution on the dispute would also remove the pretext of justifying some of the threats to regional security.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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