The Pope says that sharing goods is not ‘communism, but Christian’ with prisoners and refugees on a large scale.

The Pope says that sharing goods is not ‘communism, but Christian’ with prisoners and refugees on a large scale.

Hey Pope francisco Make an unusual exit from Vatican This Sunday (11) to celebrate the prison Sunday of Mercy ‘Mass with prisoners, refugees and health professionals.

During the celebration, the pontiff recalled that early Christians did not have a private property concept and shared everything. “It’s not communism, but pure Christianity,” he said.

Francis also valued Christians of mercy and for serving others.

“We cannot remain indifferent. We cannot live a half faith, which receives, but does not give (…). After receiving mercy, we will become kind”, asked the Pope.

The mass was held in a church near St. Peter’s Square. With about 80 people in the public due to preventive measures CoronavirusThere were prisoners from two Rome prisons and a youth detention center, as well as refugees from Syria, Nigeria and Egypt, and health professionals from a nearby hospital.

The pope, who is 84 years old and according to the France Press news agency, was vaccinated against coronovirus before his trip to Iraq in early March, did not wear a mask.

VIDEOS: latest news about Pope Francis

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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