The launch of the SpaceX Starlink set a record for the Falcon 9 rocket at Workhouse

The launch of the SpaceX Starlink set a record for the Falcon 9 rocket at Workhouse

The Falcon 9 launch typically carries about 60 Starlink satellites.


SpaceX launches its 16th batch Starlink Broadband Satellite On Tuesday night, it set a record for its Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Promoting a new set of spinning routers has become a routine topic for Elon Musk’s rocket company as it works. Create a mega-constellation
With thousands of individual satellites in a low-lying Earth. But this mission puts a new wing in Musk’s cap.

The first phase of the Falcon 9 made its seventh flight and landing, a new milestone for the company in rocket recycling. The booster previously flew over a pair of four Starlink missions and a large pair of satellite launches.

Shortly after the launch of SpaceX in the Atlantic course I still love you on the droneship and also tried to catch two parts of the nose cone, or fairing, with another pair of planes. Half of the fair was also recycled, with one half making its second flight and the other its third.

The mission – the company’s 23rd mission in 2020 – comes just days after SpaceX A new NASA and European Space Agency satellite has been sent to Bit Rabbit.

Saturday morning, another The Falcon 9 flew from Vandenberg Air Force Base The new NASA / European space agency Sentinel 6 in California is bringing the Michael Freilich satellite designed to monitor global sea level rise and improve weather forecasting.

In fact, Starlink’s launch was scheduled to take place just 10 hours after the lift off of the Sentinel 6 mission, but was delayed by a few days due to technical and weather issues.

SpaceX is chasing its first 1,000 Starlink satellites in a low-Earth bit rabbit as it works to expand. Public beta test, Currently being offered to a limited number of customers in Canada and North America.

You can see the whole thing again here:

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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