The last of us Featured unforgettable characters over the years. Ellie, Dinah, AB, Joel; Players who know him will hardly be able to forget those names. However, we don’t know that one day we’ll see them again, either in an unprecedented game that continues the story or a sort of prequel focused on a supporting character.
While waiting, fans can at least share their theories and creations with each other. In fact, only in the order of incredible conceptual arts, created by Edit ballai maximus, You can see how Ellie, Dinah and Abby will be 30 years after the second game. In fact, the question remains: will the next game of the series show them in such a distant future?
Check out the following arts:
Despite not being officially confirmed or in production, the third The Last of Us is already present in many people’s minds Neil Druckman Say, in an interview, That the outline of the story exists. According to him, this would be a continuum – not a spinoff or any other type of product derived from the main plot.
For more information about The Last of Us, Check the review that contains Enemy The second game evaluates “a game that will make you tired, make you question, empathize, hate – sometimes, all of it at the same time. Anyone who is filled with hatred knows how much this feeling Is dangerous, and its sequence shows Ellie’s story in that way in all its aspects. “