Students undertake academic mobility in the United States

Students undertake academic mobility in the United States
Students, professors and members of IDHMS at the University of Washington/Tacoma in January 2020 (Photo: Ascom UFMS Disclosure)

The year 2022 started differently for law students Ana Carolina Almeida Victorio and Thales Dantas da Silva Passos. He is in the United States for Academic Mobility at the University of Washington/Tacoma (UWT). The opportunity arose out of a collaboration between UFMS and UWT, which aims to provide students with participation in subjects that can enrich their curriculum. conforms to the agreement Institutional Policy of Internationalization and to International Academic Mobility Program Regulations and is managed by Professor Jose Paulo Gutierrez at the Faculty of Law.

According to the professor, prior to the partnership, which began in 2020 and lasted five years, UFMS already had a protocol of intentions with UWT that allowed exchanges, but for a maximum period of four weeks. Now, the timing varies from a minimum of three months to a maximum of six months. “Anna Chosen Through Carolina and Thales” Information Internationalization and Innovation Agency (Aginova) and Dean of Graduate Studies (Prograde). They chose the subjects they attended at UWT, created a study plan and, after the period of their stay in the US, they would have to submit a history with the grades and/or syllabus of the subjects studied to the UFMS”, he explained. .

For the manager of the agreement, who accompanies students from here in Brazil, the benefits of academic mobility to training are many. “First, for the opportunity to experience with American university professors and students, subjects that will enrich their curriculum in their areas of training. Second, study at one of the best American universities on the East Coast of the United States of America and, third, for the opportunity to experience another culture that fosters the experience of new values ​​and, at the same time, for the opportunity to foster an appreciation of the culture of Mato Grosso do Sul.” , They told.


monitoring is done virtually

Ana Carolina Almeida Victorio always wanted to do an exchange program. “I have been fluent in English for a long time and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to add this kind of experience as well as knowledge to my resume. I have always wanted to get to know other places and cultures, and the area in which the University of Washington/ Where Tacoma is located is very diverse”, he described.

The student will be in the US for three months to take courses focused on the role of women in economics and contemporary gender studies. “My hope is that I can get to know the American education system, observe the differences with Brazil, and also study subjects that are not offered to graduate students. I create new relationships with teachers and other students.” I want to take the opportunity to create,” he said.

Thales Dantas da Silva Passos said that, for the first time in 2019, he wanted to have a longer experience since he was at the University of Washington. “It was through the cultural exchange program of the Human Rights Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul – José do Nascimento (IDHMS). First I went as a student and then in 2020 i went as a monitor, Now, I will be in the US for the maximum period provided by the agreement, i.e. one academic semester. The UWT curriculum, being quite different from the UFMS, bears no resemblance to most subjects, so I chose subjects that would not be exposed here in Brazil: ethics and cosmopolitanism; Philosophy and History of the British Empire”, he said.

The student, who has previously lived to study abroad, said that, with experience, he realized an exponential progress in the field of foreign languages, as well as in cultural and personal development, “once we move into a new are exposed to environments, new people and situations that often take us out of our ‘comfort zone’. Nevertheless, I look forward to reaping valuable academic fruits, such as reading authors and works so common in Brazil Not there, networking The opportunity to discover new places and, who knows, the possibility of international publications, alongside colleagues and foreign professors”, he said.

new opportunities

The cooperation agreement between UFMS and UWT lasts for five years, so new opportunities for mobility are expected. Interested parties should follow up on the publication of the notice official bulletin no more Aginova Website, as well as news here, on institutional profiles on university portals and on social media.

Source: Eskom UFMS

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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