Stephen King’s claim to fame was fueled by his first published novel, Carrie. The story revolves around a young man who is the main target of school bullying. With the help of telekinetic powers, Carrie has been able to take revenge on all the children who mistreated her. The story has become a classic over the years, and decades after its release, people still can’t stop talking about it. But as much as people love this book, King thinks his first novel is a “dishonest and ruthless” read.
Stephen King threw the first draft of his ‘Carrie’ in the trash
As King’s Memorial puts it, he famously tasked his original manuscript. Carrie In the trash. After writing three pages, the scary writer decided it wasn’t good enough and that the story didn’t deserve to go any further. Yet his wife, Tabitha King, thought more.
Because she believed in her husband’s talent, she encouraged King to continue writing Carrie. (This was, in fact, after finding his manuscript in the trash.)
“You’ve got something here,” he told her. “I think you really do.”
Tabitha should know, considering that she is also an incredibly successful writer. The two met at the University of Maine, working together in the local library. His mutual love of art and literature did him no more. Tabitha and King have been happily married since 1971 and have three children.
Stephen King was not crazy about how ‘Carrie’ turned out
Believe it or not, King is not the biggest fan of his own novel. Although he is forever grateful for the book that started his entire career, the author noted Carrie Like a 1983 interview with “Dishonest and Hard”. In Playboy MagazineSays King, “I was the first to admit that it is often dishonest and harsh. But both creatively and financially, Carrie There was a kind of escape for Tabby and me, and we were able to escape from it with a completely different existence. ”
Before King’s first novel was published, he and Tabitha lived in a trailer park and were “as poor as church rats.” Writing Carrie It was both a creative pursuit and an attempt to achieve financial success. It’s safe to say that King’s efforts worked, as he is now one of the richest writers of all time with a net worth of 500 500 million.
Stephen King doesn’t like Carrie White as a character
Related: ‘Strange Things’: Duffer Brothers was rejected by Warner Bros. for making an ‘IT’ remake of Stephen King.
Although he likes some aspects of his novel, the horror writer admits that he never liked Carrie White as a character. Despite being able to sympathize with him, he “could not connect emotionally” with his novel. In his memory On writing, Says the king,
“I never liked Carrie White, and I never relied on Sue Sanel’s intentions to send her friend’s love prom with her, but I had something there. Like a whole career. Tubby knew it somehow, and when I did fifty single-spaced pages, I knew it too. For one thing, I didn’t think any character going to Carrie White’s prom would ever forget it. The few who went through it were: ”