Steam faced a wave of protests because it was too greedy

Steam faced a wave of protests because it was too greedy

A recent survey of 3,000 game developers in North America and Europe is raising a wave of protest against Steam. Most opinions state that Steam is too greedy to set a 3/7 split (ie Steam will pocket 30% of the game’s sales even if they don’t contribute anything to the development process).

Out of 3,000 respondents, only 3% think they agree to Steam’s 30% fee. 43% expect the number to fall by 10–15%. The majority of respondents stated that the Epic Games Store 12% figure is much more attractive and appropriate.

Not only that, but Steam offers no incentive for game developers. Look at Epic, in addition to very cheap fees, they also maintain a huge incentive policy for game makers. In addition to reducing service fees, the platform also uses “hand-to-hand” to convince partners, to be able to interact with manufacturers in the game’s exclusive release on the Epic Store. This amount, known as the “exclusive fee”, is paid by the Epic Store to manufacturers regardless of the sale of the game.

Steam was being opposed ... Greedy - Photo 2.

Epic Games Store charges far less than Steam

Taking the example of control, Epic spent $ 10.45 million (~ VND 240 billion) to pay a special fee to producer 505 Games and Remedy Entertainment. Out of which 505 games are entitled to 45%, all the rest are from Remedy Entertainment.

As such, we now understand why manufacturers are so compatible with partnering with Epic Games Store. With a very affordable service fee of only 12% (with Steam it will be 30%), Epic partners will receive an additional exclusive fee. In terms of total revenue, a partnership with Epic Store will be very profitable compared to Steam or other platforms. This is the main reason why many game developers did not hesitate to “evict” Steam “to return to the Epic Games store team”.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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