Solar-powered Bali connects cattle to satellites

Solar-powered Bali connects cattle to satellites

The two technologies promise to revolutionize beef and dairy farming in the years to come.

U.S. United States of America, A company launched a solar powered earring PTo monitor beef cattle in real time.

The technology uses a set of satellites to track the animals. Once assembled, managers can access a platform to view and manage data through system-updated reports up to four times a day.

Bali is made of materials suitable for the outdoor environment and animal welfare. The piece was designed to be implanted in each animal for a period of three years, without requiring any kind of maintenance or support. The aim is to track animals to detect movement patterns and to identify ‘hot spots’ where animals frequently visit or ‘cold zones’ they usually avoid grazing areas.


In the Netherlands, a company is using augmented reality in dairy farming.

Using technology and specialized specs, producers are able to obtain real-time information about the swarm. The device also allows ranchers to enter new information with their gestures or voice commands so that they can interact with the “virtual world” and gain even greater benefits in terms of management and handling.

Solution won many innovation awards.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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