The term “groupthink” originated in the early 1950’s, shortly after George Orwell’s publication. 1984. Well Ravel’s opposite word coined the word “doublethink” and the thinker William H. White Jr. coined the idea a few years later with group ideology.
“Groupthink” will improve over the years, but at the heart of it all is when well-meaning and otherwise intelligent people cooperate to request adaptation when the basic facts point to a different outcome.
Case in point: New Orleans quarterback Time Hill. Damru Bryce, Femmer’s first belt hall, has been out for at least three weeks due to a torn rib. Sean Payton, one of the best criminal minds of his generation, has decided that Hill will take on James Winston ahead of the Falcons on Sunday.
Hill is the great unknown: a 6-foot-2 quarterback tied to a muscle that is mostly used as a gadget player for New Orleans. Winston is one of only eight people to walk on this earth, despite his agility to throw the ball away, with a season passing 5,000 yards on his reign. When Bryce couldn’t play outside of halftime last week, Patton turned to Winston. And conventional wisdom indicated he would return to Winston against the Falcons.
But the most classic form of who I – and we – are victims of is the collective. Of course, not everyone thought that Payton was making a mistake. But I’m comfortable saying that most people with root interests are either disagreeing or hoping to be proven wrong.
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Hill then finished 18th in his first start with a pass rating of 108.9 for 233 yards on 23 runs. He also ran for a team-high 51 yards and two touchdowns for a 24-9 win over Atlanta. And nowhere in the list of praises did he receive a Mia grace from this reporter.
You see, Sean Payton and GM Mickey Lumis signed Hill back in 2017 when he was a 27-year-old cheater outside of BYU. Payton taught him the system for more than three years. He placed Hill in the backfield to take direct photos of the rock formations. Ours – and I mean, and the majority of those who read it – now like it, but there was a way of perceived insanity.
Hill spent a lot of time in the first half proving he was a true quarterback, trying to pass 13 and run only twice. He was caught in the middle of the fourth quarter when two scores went up which could be a turning point for a team led by a former NFL MVP. But … nothing happened. He didn’t throw the game away. He was not incapable of quarterbacking every quarter.
We must be far away from the hill of the crown. This great experiment may have worked once, but it doesn’t make it a law. Nevertheless, Payton and Hill deserve credit.
Twitter, the place where memes are shared, would be a mistake to start shaking loudly. Join the force with the Talk Radio social media app. We all laughed. If you’ve been on Twitter for a long time, you’re tempting yourself to believe it’s true.
But the coach who knows the crime better than all of us got the last laugh on Sunday. Hill proved to be a capable backup and capable NFL starter against the Falcons, and he receives low Broncos before the Falcons have a rematch next week at 13.
Tonight, Saints can enjoy going at 8-2 on the weather. And Sean Payton could kick his feet as he enjoyed one of the biggest highlights of the 2020 NFL season.