Fan anticipation for the fifth season of the animated series Ricky and Morty Being used to practice various moves against them. According to Kaspersky, the design is being exploited to exploit fake files and phishing scams to spread malicious files and infect victims’ devices.
Among the most common scams are those that promise files related to new episodes – when downloaded, they turn malicious and the machine is compromised. Kaspersky security experts say they have found more than 350 files disguised as episodes of the series, including exploits of vulnerabilities and threats such as sophisticated ransomware.
Phishing scams. promise early access to new episodes of Ricky and Morty are also becoming common. Revealing the first few minutes of the new exploits, they ask the victim to register their personal data – including credit cards – in order to release the rest of the material. Once the data is corroborated, criminals lay charges and the full episode is not released.
“When looking for a new episode of your favorite series, it’s important to remember the basic rules of cyber security: Always check the authenticity of websites before entering personal data, and always visit official websites to watch movies, series and programs. And use streaming”, he advises Fabio Assolini, senior security analyst at Kaspersky.
The security company offers some tips to protect yourself from potential scams:
- Check the authenticity of websites before filling in your personal data: Always check the URL formats as well as the spelling of the company name;
- Be careful with file extensions: for example, videos will never end in .exe or .msi formats;
- Use up-to-date security solutions to ensure that threats will be detected and blocked when downloaded;
- Avoid clicking on links that promise quick access to unpublished content. When in doubt, always look for reliable entertainment providers to check the availability of new episodes.
fifth season of Ricky and Morty It premiered on June 20 in the United States and still has no fixed release date in Brazil. While the first four seasons are already available in Brazil Netflix, the prediction is that new episodes (and, later, the entire series) will be exclusive to hbo max, which officially debuts in the country on June 29.
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