It is no coincidence that 23-year-old young Angad Daryani has devoted the last years of his life to creating a cheaper, simpler and more effective air purifier that does not require disposable filters and is widely implemented. Go to: Residents of Mumbai, India, their country has some of the worst air quality on the entire planet, and 22 of the world’s 30 most polluted cities are Indians. The huge proportion problem that Daryani created in 2017 had to be faced Life:. in goods.
English artist turns pollution from coal mines into paint to paint his paintings
According to research, more than 1 million people die each year in India from the effects of pollution, so Daryani knew his invention would need effectiveness as its mainstay. While other filtration systems are expensive and require constant maintenance, Prana’s devices measure 1.76 meters and can be easily installed, for example, on street light poles in a metropolis, producing about 300 cubic meters of air per minute. to filter, and to store 11,540 cm of pollutants. Each — and at a cost, without the need to properly use or replace any filters, it’s said to cost less than the new iPhone Pro with a pair of devices.
Already its first city in India to run 100% on solar power
Pran’s system only requires that the filter be emptied over a period of use, which can vary from 2 to 6 months – and that’s where it partnered with another innovative Indian company. carbon craft design, so that the environmental commitment is fulfilled. Through the work of this startup, the collected carbon is turned into a pigment that, combined with other reused elements, acts as a material to create beautifully constructed tiles, which are suitable for restaurants, hotels, stores and Can decorate a lot elegantly.
-This mural from Poland has air purifying power equal to 720 trees
In your first round of investment, Life: It has already received investments of about $1.5 million from investors in India and the United States, but interest is emerging from different corners of the planet – pollution is, after all, a global problem. The idea is to develop programs to implement complete systems, filters and reuse of polluting materials in schools, hotels and industrial centers across India, but not only: knowing that the poorest countries and populations are most affected by pollution. The idea is to work to keep the system effective and, at the same time, cheaper – and, soon, improve what’s already built, and develop new technologies to help clean the air that We breathe all over the planet.