Netflix’s Queer Eye presenter becomes HIV documentary star · TV news

Netflix’s Queer Eye presenter becomes HIV documentary star · TV news

One of the hosts of Queer Eye Reality, Jonathan van Ness became the star of a documentary on HIV. In 2019, Netflix’s star attraction turned out to be HIV positive, and now they have been chosen to give their voice to the opposite: neglected epidemics, 40 years of HIV and AIDS (in contrast: neglected epidemics, 40 years of HIV and AIDS, free translation In). The film explores four decades of HIV and AIDS in the United States.

The production of Vice TV collects personal reports and perceptions from various communities and organizations to showcase the reality of people living with the virus and to make progress in the scientific field. The goal is to go beyond the data to analyze the impact of the disease on people’s lives.

According to Jonathan van Ness, his change in routine after diagnosis broadened his views on the subject.

“Living with HIV has changed my life and my outlook on the world. The HIV social safety net in the United States does not serve people equally, and being part of this mission of educating more people is something It’s something I’m honored to do. ” Asked the Hollywood Reporter.

The documentary draws a parallel between the discovery of HIV in the 1980s and the chaos of the past with the Kovid-19 epidemic. “As we reflect on the global response to Kovid-19, it is shocking to realize that during the height of the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the 1980s there was a real lack of a combined medical and legislative response,” commented Morgan Hertzen Ki, executive vice-president and general manager of Vice TV.

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Conversely: The Neglected Epidemic, 40 years of HIV and AIDS directed and produced by Linda McCarthy. The premiere is scheduled for June 2.

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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