Netflix in February | Series we want to see

Netflix in February |  Series we want to see

In February, the Netflix Presents 10 new series that promise to help pass the time in this new imprisonment. A documentary series has been produced in the release Will smith A friendship drama about the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, a friendship drama starring Catherine Heigl and Sarah Chalke, and a comedy with Kevin James as the head of a fictional NASCAR team.

But our biggest curiosity fell on “Tribes of Europa”, a sci-fi original from the makers of “Dark”. Despite being an international production, the series is in German and suggests a hellish dystopia like we haven’t seen in a long time. In the post-apocalypse tribes, undergoing bloodshed for entertainment with an emphasis on cruelty, the series promises to bring a bit of a buzz for lovers of the genre.

Meet Netflix premiere for February:

Ensemble – Season 1

NETFLIX © 2021

Premiere: 3 February

In February, Katherine Heigl (“Grey’s Anatomy”) and Sarah Chalke (“Scrubs”; “That’s How It Happens”) as the dual protagonists of “As Inceparable”, the heavy story of two inseparable best friends and their enduring and four Are more complex than. For decades troubled.

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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