Man threw 20kg weight at gym colleague and sentenced; Eye

Man threw 20kg weight at gym colleague and sentenced;  Eye

A man has been sentenced to one year and seven months in prison for intentionally dropping 20 kg on the head of a fellow gymnast. This episode took place in Palmerston, Australia in October 2020 and has now been tried out.

The security cameras of the establishment recorded the moment of the incident. In the images, 33-year-old Shane William Ryan is seen lifting a weight and walking towards his colleague, who was doing dumbbells on his back.

The attacker pretends to be traveling and, dropping a weight on his head, hurls himself towards the victim.

The images are strong:

Due to the collision, the young man fell to the ground and started bleeding. Meanwhile, Ryan walks away pretending to have hurt his ankle. After this an ambulance was called to help the victim.

According to the Australian newspaper nt newsThe victim’s skull was pierced, cut in the eyebrow area and suffered psychological damage.

According to information received from British tabloids daily mailWitnesses claimed that the two men often trained at the gym and had a good relationship. He did not disclose the reason for the attack.


Months after the incident, the case was evaluated by the court. First, Shane William Ryan insists that he accidentally injured his gym buddy. However, he later confessed his crime.

Judge John Burns, in charge of reviewing the case, classified Ryan as “dangerous” and declared that there was no apparent reason to attack his colleague. Therefore, it would be worrying to downplay the gravity of the attacker’s act.

The judge said, “The victim was weak because he was lying on his back and with weights in his hands, he could not defend himself. At the same time, he had no reason to believe that you would attack him.” ” “Where a crime does occur, it is often possible to assess the likelihood that the offender will commit a crime again.”

Ryan was sentenced to 19 months in prison. He must serve at least 10 months in a closed regime before parole is granted.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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