a 48 year old man, Suspected of raping and getting pregnant with his step-daughter aged 12 to 13, was arrested this Tuesday (27) in Nova Lima, in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte.
According to the Civil Police (PC), crime happened in 2020 In the city of Quincy in the state of Massachusetts in the United States of America (USA), where the suspect, the mother and the girl – three Brazilians – had been living since August 2019. abused for almost seven months.
The crime came to light on September 21, 2020, when the 12-year-old girl was feeling ill and was taken to the hospital by her mother. It was found there that the girl was seven weeks pregnant..
The local police was informed and investigation was started. In early October 2020, a judge in the Massachusetts capital Boston issued a warrant for his stepfather’s arrest, but He fled the country after a few days.
The PC said the suspect landed in Brazil in late October 2020 and went to live at a relatives’ home in Betim in Greater Belo Horizonte.
According to MG Fatima Basalo, federal police representative and head of Interpol’s regional representation, Suspect returned to Brazil to defend Brazilian penal code.
“As soon as the case was detected, the suspect fled across the Mexican border with the help of relatives. There he flew to Brazil. In February this year, the Brazilian police were called by Interpol, because Brazilian citizens who were outside the country commits a crime, cannot be extradited, but can be tried and convicted here according to the Brazilian Penal Code. The suspect was hiding in Betim, and detained in Nova Lima , where he worked,” said the representative.
According to the CP, information and legal evidence were exchanged with the international police, after which a verification requirement With the Ministry of Justice of this material. Procedure required for investigation and process Made possible on the territory of Brazil.
Mother and teenager, now 14 years old, still living in the United States, where the baby was born seven months ago. The suspect has been placed in temporary custody, which can be converted into preventive detention, and the investigation will continue in secret.
*Apprenticeship under the supervision of Cristina Moreno de Castro