MAIE teachers carry out educational missions in the United Kingdom, France and England

MAIE teachers carry out educational missions in the United Kingdom, France and England

10 October 2024 – 08:30

The delegation of teachers from the Intercampi Academic Masters in Education and Teaching (MAIE/Uece) included Professor José Ernandi Mendes, Professor Claudiana Nogueira de Alencar, also from POSLA, and MAIE coordinator Sandra María Gadelha de Carvalho, who attended the meeting. Academic Internationalization Mission to the United Kingdom, France and England, from 20 September to 9 October.

This was made possible due to Mission Notice 08/2023-FUNCAP, which contained the proposal submitted by MAIE Coordination.

In England, the work was carried out at three universities: Birmingham- UoB; From East Anglia – UEA; and Exeter, with a seminar which took place at the University of Salford in Manchester. In addition to presenting work at events, UECE professors gave workshops and attended meetings to plan agreement activities.

In France, activities were carried out with professors from the “Letours de Paulo Freire” group – from the University Paris VIII and the University Lumière Lyon-II, with which Eus already has an agreement, with Professor Daniel Thin for about 10 years. To develop activities for Sociology curriculum.
Finally, the UAC delegation was in Spain, where, in addition to participating in meetings with Professor Ángel Espina, he taught seminars on popular education, university and resistance grammar at the University of Salamanca – USAL.

According to Professor Sandra Gadelha, coordinator of the MAIE, an agreement was signed between Funes and USAL last September, “thanks to the efforts of Professor Luis Tavora, who was at USAL about a year ago and with Professor Jacqueline Rabello. It was carried out together, with MAIE coordination, and Prof. Ángel Espina.”

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Yet according to the manager, seminars and meetings in Salamanca were already part of the work plan and more work and results are expected. Professor Sandra concluded, “There is a lot of work to do, however, we can already see the expansion of partnerships and opportunities for teachers and students, which will strengthen our next Doctorate in Education and Teaching Postgraduate Program (PPGEEN). “

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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