Actress and singer Rachel Ziegler has been cast as the protagonist of the live-action adaptation of “Snow White”, Disney’s animation originally released in 1938. Production is scheduled to begin in 2022 and will be directed by Mark Webb of “(500) Days”. with him” and “The Fabulous Spider-Man”. This information is from the US portal Deadline released on Tuesday (22).
According to the website, the trial to play the princess lasted several months, and Ziegler’s performance and voice impressed officials. Born in the United States and the daughter of a Colombian mother, Ziegler is 20 years old and will star in the remake of “Amor, Sublime Amor” directed by Steven Spielberg. Disney’s live-action production would also have seen the actress’ participation in this remake, and it would have been certain to be contested.
Benz Pasek and Justin Paul, the pair behind “Earth” And “O Re Do Show” is also set to write new songs for Snow White’s new feature.
Ziegler’s choice for the role also follows Disney’s new move to bring more diversity to the iconic princesses. In 2019, the company announced that black actress Halle Bailey would play Ariel in the new “The Little Mermaid” film.
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