Jundiaiense is an attraction of National CrossFit. In July, she goes to the United States

maria livia crossfit

At the age of 17, athlete Maria Livia Barbosa do Nesimento is the highlight at CrossFit. Jundiaiense has gained attention in sports and is getting close to becoming the main athlete of the category in Brazil.

A recent achievement confirms this thesis, even. This month, he attended the CrossFit Games Madison in Wisconsin, USA. Played online with tenth place in the qualifiers’ category “Teen” (contestants aged 14 to 17).

Maria Livia said she received five training sessions as evidence, which she recorded on video and then sent to the contest’s evaluators. Disputes in US territory will be held from July 27 to August 1.

“It has always been a big dream to win this opportunity, which I have done with myself since I started practicing CrossFit when I was 12 years old. The plug has not dropped yet, I am very happy with this achievement! It is a pleasure to see all the hard work that I had during the preparation. And, if I need to, I’ll do it again, because as hard as it was to get here, I’m doing something I love! I had a lot of fun during the whole process ”, commented the athlete.

Maria Livia Crossfit Jandia

Athlete began attending CrossFit classes at age 12: Highlighting controversies throughout Brazil (Photo: Personal Archive)

The business

At just 15 years old, jundiaiense reached the Vice-Championship of TCB (Torneio CrossFit Brasil), the most traditional fitness championship in the country since 2010. It is also accompanied by the highest individual award in the game. The competition takes athletes to physical and psychological limits during the four days of disputes. This year, it was held in Sorokaba.

During the seventh year vacation, when my mother took me to take a children’s class, I came to know about CrossFit. It was for children, in fact, nothing about the competition. The holidays are over, but I didn’t want to stop training: I started taking classes with adults during my normal hours of training. After about a year, I looked for a competition spreadsheet to start training. That’s how I started participating in competitions.

Marcio Jonita

Maria Livia, with pilot father Murcia Jonita (Photo: personal archive)

Athlete father

The old saying that “the son or daughter of a fish is a goldfish” fits well to explain the importance of the game in his life. Maria Livia is the daughter of Marcia Jonita, a motocross rider from Jundia.

“It is great to be with an athlete’s father, because he understands everything I do.” He is the first to offer advice, but he needs to be patient (laughs). Sometimes, he thinks I need to do everything exactly as he did when he was an athlete, only they are very different sports (laughs) ”, he joked.

About the body

The choice for the game also changes the body, but Maria Livia says that she copes well with it. “I stopped caring about aesthetics for a long time (laughs). When I started training seriously and going on a diet, I realized that my body had changed drastically. At first I was surprised, well because people comment a lot about it. Many people looked at pictures of famous athletes and said: ‘Wow, but this is ugly … you wouldn’t do that, would you?’ Before becoming an athlete, I also found the bodies of CrossFit athletes a little different, but I never thought it was ugly. Especially because, if you want to dedicate yourself to performance, you have to give up many things and keep a standard body.

It has the following sponsors: Foumix, Engen Nutrition, Renato Lorenzol (Nutritionist), Fisio Health and CrossFit Bahmut.

Arthur BBB

Arthur Piccoli is a CrossFit instructor and was successful in participating in the 21st edition of BBB (Photo: Replas / Paper)

What is it?

In the 1990s, CrossFit emerged in the United States and even drew attention from training academies for officers of the US Armed Forces. It is a sport derived from many other sports, such as athletics, Olympic gymnastics and weightlifting.

The result of combining various exercises is complete physical conditioning – a drastic reduction in body fat and regularity in maintaining a great shape.

In Brazil, the biggest poster boy for CrossFit is former BBB Arthur Piccoli, who works as a personal trainer and trainer in Rio de Janeiro. Maria Livia says that she did not follow the previous version of Big Brother Brasil, but learned of Arthur’s involvement.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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