complaining that six young Portuguese, four of them from LeiriaHe did it against 33 European governments, among them Portugal, to the last instance of the European Court of Human Rights (ECTHR).
According to the newsletter of GLAN – Global Legal Action Network, ECtHR announced that the complaint will be considered by a main panel of judges, indicating the “importance of the case”.
Young people appealed in court after the Pedrogo Grande fire, which killed 66, and the following fire, which killed 120 in 2017, blamed European governments for their “inadequate efforts” to cut greenhouse gas held accountable. emissions, greenhouse gases.
The target governments are among the 27 members of the European Union, as well as those of the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine.
The Strasbourg-based ECTHR reported that the matter, which already qualified as a priority, would be considered by 17 members of the Grand Chamber, as it is a “serious issue” in light of the European Convention on Humans. rights and additional protocols.
Netflix has already shown interest in making documentaries 33 About the youth group prosecuting governments.