Joan Bon Jovi on the Ugly Side of Her Recovery from Hernia Surgery

Joan Bon Jovi on the Ugly Side of Her Recovery from Hernia Surgery

Bon Jovi’s frontman, in the ‘Armchair Expert with Dax Sheppard’ podcast, admits that he got the hernia while helping to set up his charity’s new food bank in Long Island, New York.

Aceshobiz – Rocker Joan Bon Jovi He is struggling to recover from hernia surgery because he can’t even take a bath.

The Bone jovial Frontman and his wife, Drothia, have been busy coronavirus crises during the Coronavirus Crisis, helping keep their charity’s new food bank in Long York, New York to support the local community, but heavy lifting took its toll on 58. The body of the old-fashioned has taken effect.

“We started a food bank on this epidemic …” explained John Bon Jovi, founder of the Soul Foundation, with an armchair expert. Dex Shepard“Podcasts,” and so we fed seven pantries over the summer. You can imagine the scale of it. ”

“My wife and I and a few others who were loading these tractor trailers and then unloading these trucks to deliver food to the pantries.”

“At first I thought I was so cute and saying, ‘Hey, this is my new workout,’ until I realize, ‘My stomach really hurts …’ I got a legal hernia. ”

The singer was diagnosed with a “very bad” umbilical hernia, which occurs when a portion of the small intestine pushes through a tear into the abdominal wall near the navel, and she recently had a knife to fix the problem. Went under.

Bon Jovi is in the early days of his recovery, but it has been difficult for the star to give up any physical activity to get used to it.

“I can’t sing right now, I can’t work, I can’t f ** k. It’s too bad …,” she shouted. “I’ve been the other day, and I couldn’t sing and I couldn’t shower and I’m like, ‘It’s not going to be fun.’ ”

However, the musician, who is releasing his band’s new 2020 album online, is happy to be able to do his part to feed 25,000 people during the last 25 months of the epidemic in Eastern Long Island. “It’s been fantastic and I got a memento from the deal … – a great hernia operation!” He laughed.

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