In India, a petition was filed in a New Delhi court seeking cancellation of WhatsApp measures. The need is also being addressed by the country’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, which has sent a letter addressed to WhatsApp CEO Will Cathart. In the document, Indian officials said the proposals were implemented unilaterally, not offering users the possibility to reject the changes, which would cause concern about the right of choice and autonomy of the country’s citizens.
WhatsApp is facing resistance to new privacy policies from many countries – Photo: Rubens Akilis / TechTudo
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The letter also requested the creation of a new security policy on Messenger, which included data security, privacy, and encryption. In the text, the ministry sent 14 questions related to the proposed update by WhatsApp with a period of seven days to get the messenger’s reply.
Among the changes proposed by WhatsApp in the new regulation, is the sharing of user data with partner companies Facebook. In this scenario, the messenger would be allowed to send information such as the phone number, brand, model and IP number of the cell phone, the telephone company used, the time the application was used, and the mode of interaction with contacts and companies. To continue using Messenger, users must accept this condition.
The Government of India claims that such sharing will endanger all user data, and demand technical information on how WhatsApp will share information with such companies. According to officials, this interaction between different companies may cause Messenger to lose control over data privacy.
Furthermore, India has accused WhatsApp of treating the privacy model in the country differently than other regions of the world. In the complaint, officials cited the European Union, where the changes cannot be implemented General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Which forbids such practice.
Many countries have asked WhatsApp to clarify the security of user data – Photo: Reproduction / Halito Begijira
More countries criticize new WhatsApp words
Other countries are also putting pressure on Facebook and WhatsApp. In Turkey, authorities launched an investigation into the practice presented by the company, and requested that the new terms should be suspended. Turkish ministers have encouraged users to use other messaging services in public, especially those developed in their own country.
The South African Information Regulatory Agency also contacted Facebook to seek clarification. Country officials are analyzing whether the changes are in accordance with the country’s Personal Information Protection Act. In addition, the organization is also looking at how the changes will be implemented in many countries, and how this may affect the South African population.
In brazil Procon-SP also notified Facebook and WhatsApp, The company needs to be informed in detail whether the new rules fit General Data Protection Act (LGPD) And Consumer Protection Code. The unit believes that users should be able to choose whether or not they can share such information, “without coercion addiction”.
However, due to harsh user criticism, WhatsApp postponed the change in regulation to 15 May. The messenger saw the popularity of many contestants. In India itself, The hint Crossed whatsapp Android No more Iphone ()Ios), Jumping to more than 15,000 7 million downloads in seven days. Hey Wire There was a 40% increase in the number of installations, while Mark zuckerberg Since then the country has seen a 30% drop in its popularity.
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