India confirms first cases of British Kovid-19 tension – News

India confirms first cases of British Kovid-19 tension – News

Indian authorities confirmed the first six cases of new British tension on Tuesday (29) Coronavirus After analyzing approximately 33,000 passengers arriving from the United Kingdom between 25 November and 23 December in India, when flights to the country were canceled.

Read more: What is known about the new coronovirus variants that led to a new lockdown in England

The Ministry of Health announced in a note that “out of a total of six samples of six people tested positive for the new version of the UK’s genome,” the Ministry of Health announced in a note that southern Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune.

Of the 33,000 passengers arriving from the United Kingdom between 25 November and 23 December, 114 tested positive for coronovirus and six of them were found to have a new strain with high transmission capacity.

The statement said, “These (six) people were isolated in individual rooms in sanitary facilities designated by the respective state governments. Their close contacts were isolated. Fellow travelers, family contacts and others Full tracking of people’s contacts. ” .

The new strain of the disease found in the United Kingdom has forced millions of Britons to go into solitude and led many countries to institute travel restrictions, with cases already found in many European countries, such as Asians like Spain and France or Japan and Singapore.

Although India has suspended international flights since late March, it has agreed to a series of air transports that connect the Asian country with other international terminals, including the United Kingdom.

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India, which is the second most affected country in the world with the disease, has been experiencing a deep slowdown in the spread of the virus in recent months, with over 10.2 million cases, with 16,432 infections reported in six months. Is the lowest number.

Authorities reported 148,153 deaths related to the disease.

According to the Ministry of Health of India, there are only 268,581 patients with active virus in this country of 1.35 billion people, of which recovery is about 96%.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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