Hundreds of Users Have Been Accidentally Banned From eBay

Hundreds of Users Have Been Accidentally Banned From eBay

Over the weekend some users have noticed that they have been logged out of their own accounts for no reason.

Twitter isn’t the only platform that accidentally blocked users this week. NS ledge eBay confirmed that it had accidentally suspended hundreds of users on December 3, but the company did not disclose the cause or extent of the problem, but wrote that the bug had already been fixed and notified those affected. had gone.

Reddit users devoted a large post to the block, noting that some accounts have no potential red sign, so the ban came to virtually nothing,

People have been suspended, and even banned, people who haven’t used eBay for years, despite having excellent buyer and seller histories and ratings.

While it is not always clear what caused the accidental interruption, such cases highlight the limits of moderating Internet services. Companies are often forced to rely on automated moderation to handle huge amounts of material and a jug base, but in addition to algorithms, the human moderators available can often make mistakes.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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