Hubble discovers cosmic twins of the mysterious planet Nine of the solar system

  • NASA’s Hubble Telescope provides 14 years of data on the Exoplanet HD 106906B.
  • It exhibits strange behavior with its orbit 336 light-years from Earth.
  • Scientists think that exoplanet data could tell us what happened to a potentially hidden planetary eclipse in our solar system.

How many planets are there in our solar system? You may think that in kindergarten you have given a clear answer, but the number fluctuates between 8 and 9, depending on whether you consider Pluto to be large enough for a planet. But there is another mysterious planet that is probably hidden on the edge of the solar system – the so-called “Planet Nine”. As we all know, this probable planetary influences have reached its zenith. Now, for the first time, scientists have measured the speed of a giant exoplanet in a giant solar system that could behave like the imaginary planet nine.

Exoplanet HD106906 b 336 light years away from Earth. With a maximum cluster of 11 Jupiters, it travels in a double star system. Scientists first discovered it in 2013 but now NASA has been able to get a better idea of ​​its orbit. Hubble Space Telescope. In fact, Hubble has amassed an accurate 14-year history of the Exoplanet, which may be a source of new insights.

The exoplanet is located far away from its host stars, 730 times from Earth to the Sun. While its slow 15,000-year orbit usually does not allow for very definitive observations in just 14 years, Hubble’s team found that its bit Rabbit is extreme, both very inclined and long, around two connected stars. Debris remained outside the disc. .

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Meiji Nugyan of the University of California, Berkeley, who led the study, commented on how unusual the exoplanet’s bit rabbit is:

“To explain why this is strange, we can look at our own solar system and see that all the planets are roughly in the same plane.” Shared Nguyen. “It would be strange, then, to assume that Jupiter is tilted only 30 degrees compared to the spacecraft that every other planet orbits. It all comes down to how the HD 106906B ended up on such a bit of rabbit so far. “

The long-thinking “planet nine

How did this planet evolve into such a circle? Scientists think it may have become very close to the host star, but pulling from the system’s gas disk has affected its bit rabbit. It could have pushed it closer to two twin stars, whose gravity then threw it into a unique bit rabbit, throwing it almost all the way into intercellular space. Like the Hubble team Press release That said, a passing star then possibly corrected Exoplanet’s bit Rabbit and prevented it from leaving the home system completely.

This explanation is similar to what scientists predict, possibly pushing Platoon Nine to the edges of our solar system, behind the Kuiper Belt. Perhaps the Guru influenced its bit rabbit, pulling it out of the internal solar system. The planet could have passed non-Pluto, but a passing star probably stopped it by changing its orbit.

Paul Klaas, a member of the Hubble team at the University of California, Berkeley, commented that analyzing what happened to Exoplanet HD 106906B was like examining our own past.

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“It’s like we have a time machine for our solar system that goes back 6.6 billion years to see what happened when our young solar system was dynamically active and everything was moving.” Was being mocked around. “ Explained Party.

This image, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, shows a possible rabbit (via a dashed ovary) of the Exoplanet HD 106906B.

Credit: NASA, ESA, M.A. Nagyen (University of California, Berkeley), r. De Rosa (European Southern Observatory), and p. Class (University of California, Berkeley and Setty Institute)

Of course, that doesn’t mean we actually found Planet Non, if it exists. Evidence of its physicality includes the strange behavior of small space bodies before Neptune, whose unmarried or rabbit may have been affected by the gravity of an unseen planet.

Formation of Exoplanet H.106906b and further investigation of debris system James Webb Space Telescope, Is set to launch in October 2021. It promises to further enhance our own secrets on Planet Nine, along with the extraordinary system of Exoplanets and more.

Check Team papers, Published in The Astronomy

Possibly hidden “Planet Non” artist’s influence

Credit: ESA / Hubble, M. Cornmesser

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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