RMC (Metropolitan Region of Campinas) short film, “Antonia”, directed by Flavio Carnielli, ends in early 2020 as one of the most awarded films in the country, receiving national and international recognition. it occurs.
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“Antonia” is a horror film, which tells the story of a couple of grandparents who lost their daughter and granddaughter during an epidemic in Brazil in the early 20th century. The short was painted by the frame, like an old vintage photo.
In a few months, the film has gone to more than ten festivals in Brazil, in addition to being shown in Germany (Cannibal Fest), the United States (Nafco Halloween Horror Festival) and the Netherlands (but also the Film Festival).
In all, the film has won ten awards: art direction in Curta Psycho, photography direction in Curta Caraaru, work set in Cine Tamoyo, popular jury in the horror category in Kurta Canadé, Best Film in Fantasia, POE Festival in Best Edition and Best Directing, Photography and Sound Design at Morse-Go Horror Film Festival.
This week, the film received the Best National Short Film Award at the International Crash Festival, with participation from international horror icons such as German actor Udo Keer and legendary North American director Lloyd Kaufmann.
“Antonia” was recorded completely independently, with the support of traders from the region. The film was played by Anne Passos, an actress only 9 years old. The cast also includes veteran actors Wagner Kampinas and Violet Nagai.