Guide to the Elemental Shaman class in World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Guide to the Elemental Shaman class in World of Warcraft Dragonflight

In World of Warcraft, each class and character is unique and applicable to a number of tasks for which other skills will not be applicable or relevant.

The player must know the main orientation of his character, skills, the correctness of their application and be able to get equipment for himself.

One of the best gear loot options is mythic+ raids. Zones with infinite opportunity to farm the boss until you stock up on equipment of the appropriate level. Keys are required to enter, and there is always the option to increase or decrease the difficulty level.

You can always follow the link – and order the passage of mythical + raids from professional players with whom you are guaranteed to complete the dungeon and get the opportunity to collect the entire reward yourself, without sharing with other players.

General information on the Elemental Shaman specialization in World of Warcraft Dragonflight

First of all, a shaman is a combo class of a fighter and a caster in one person with the ability to flexibly select and combine many skills.

The Shaman can use utility skills, deal damage to single and AoE targets, and be flexible and fast enough to attack on the move.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Elemental Shaman Class


  • Huge variability in the choice of talents and styles for the game.
  • Lots of utility abilities to use.
  • The selective ability of profile damage is massive, single, periodic, or explosive.
  • Quite easy to learn for beginners in contrast to other classes.
  • There is a combination of skills that will inflict powerful damage to the enemy while the character is moving, while maintaining mobility in battle.
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  • Not all support skills have a noticeable and directly affecting help during raids.
  • At certain points, they can be inferior to another class with a specific specialization, and not a war-mage combo.

The main characteristics and their strength for the character Shaman of the Element specialization

Mastery is a general stat that significantly enhances the effectiveness of the use of skills. The more you enhance your characteristics through equipment that will be obtained in raids and by crafting, the more your skills will work for the enemy.

Speed – An important parameter that increases the overall speed of running, attacking, casting spells and the speed of recovery of runes and spell charges for individual classes.

Versatility is a criterion that simultaneously increases the overall effectiveness of attack and defense. The higher the parameter, the stronger you will attack the enemy and keep the blow from targets of your level and above.

Critical Strike is a chance parameter that doubles damage when it triggers. Critical chance and damage works not only on physical attacks and skills, but also on magical attacks and cast spells.

Passive and active skills of the Elemental specialization for the Shaman class

Surge of Power is a skill that will increase the damage and effectiveness of all skills that the shaman can use. Spells will get a buff and more uses, faster cooldowns, and magic skills will transfer to nearby targets when triggered.

Stormkeeper – a skill that will greatly enhance all lightning spells, allows you to initially increase the overall damage and remove the time to cast spells for a certain period of time.

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The Fire Elemental is a powerful summonable ally that attacks enemies with the power of fire, dealing Burns and overall elemental damage.

The Wind Elemental is a similarly powerful summonable companion that will fight by your side, dealing wind damage to the enemy.

Earth Elemental – Summons a powerful earth ally that will protect the player and their allies and increase their overall health by 15%.

Master of the Primal Elements – significantly changes the mechanics of summoning all types of elementals. Each of them will have additional skills that can be applied. At the time of to summon, the player will have direct control over each summoned creature with the ability to change the target of the attack and use skills at their discretion, and not trust this task to game mechanics.

Ice Fury – has a long cast, but upon successful application, it will inflict heavy ice damage on the enemy on the target and increase the attack power of another spell – Ice Shock.

Primordial wave – deals damage to the enemy, applies magic, which depends on the chosen specialization. The element will inflict damage on enemies with the power of lava.

Frost Shock – Deals damage, enhanced by Frost Fury. The enemy receives heavy damage, the effect of hypothermia and freezing, which will slow the target by half.

Lava Burst – Deals heavy fire damage with additional burns, if the target is affected by the Flame Shock effect, then the skill is guaranteed to deal critical damage.

Flame Shock – Deals fire damage and inflicts additional periodic damage that will burn out the main health of the enemy.

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Ancestral Favor is a skill that allows you to use most skills while moving.

Elemental Strike is a skill that deals elemental damage, increases skill critical chance, and increases overall haste. The characteristic of mastery also increases.

Heroism – Increases the overall speed for yourself and allies by 30% in battles and raids. The minus of the skill is the imposition of a passive negative effect of exhaustion, which prohibits the use of the skill again for 10 minutes.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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