Globo · Movies to watch over the weekend on TV news

Globo · Movies to watch over the weekend on TV news

Globo’s weekend will be full of excitement, fun and action! The broadcaster has designed a film program to appeal to all types of audiences. This is a great entertainment option for those who choose to enjoy a break without getting out of the house.

Saturday’s session brings the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast (2017), which starts at 2:10 pm. In the live-action version (with real actors) of classic Disney animation, Bella (Emma Watson) is a village resident in France.

The girl is captured by her father by Beast (Dan Stevens) and decides to give her life to the strange creature in exchange for her freedom. At the palace, she meets magical objects and realizes that her executioner is actually a cursed prince who needs love to return to human form. watch the trailer:

SuperCine features the national comedy Um Sabarbono Lucky (2016) at 0h45. Danilson (Rodrigo Sant’anna) is an ordinary street vendor of the suburbs, but his life changes until he leaves a millionaire legacy until his unknown biological father dies.

However, with luck, the protagonist also inherits the disgruntled and indebted family of the deceased, who will do anything to get their hands on this legacy. watch the trailer:

Suspense Regreso (2013) is the highlight of Koruzzo, shown at 2:30 p.m. Ana (Taissa Farmiga) is the daughter of one of the wealthiest couples in the United States. Wise and smart, girl 16 years The bus went through a major trauma related to his family.

To investigate the case, expert John (Mark Strong) is called. She has the power to enter people’s minds and must determine whether Anna is guilty or innocent in this case. watch Trailer:

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Then, at 3:45 am, the national drama Prova de Corgem (2015) handles the program. Hermano (Armando Babayoff) is a successful doctor planning a high-risk hill climb in Tierra del Fuego. In this period, his wife Adri (Mariana Axiens), with whom he has lived for seven years, discovers that she is pregnant.

Even on the verge of becoming a father, he follows his plans. It is a testament to the courage that his best friend is being beaten to death, and Hermano owes himself after witnessing nothing to help him. watch the trailer:

Sunday movies on globo

On Sunday afternoon at 12:30 pm, the action begins with Ant-Man (2015) at maximum temperature. In the film Superhero, Dr. The story is introduced by Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), the inventor of a costume that allows wrinkles. Years after the discovery, the scientist must stop his former student Darren Cross (Corey Stoll) from copying the formula and selling the technology to a bad organization.

Meanwhile, Rascal Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is set to gain the respect of his ex-wife and daughter after leaving prison. Having trouble getting an honest job, he agrees to take one last hit. Without knowing it, he went to Dr. Pym ends up participating in a scheme that, after years of seeing the skilled thief, chooses him to wear an Ant-Man costume. watch the trailer:

At night, 11:25 pm, Major Sunday M shows Ritmo de Fuga (2017). The feature tells the story of the young driver Baby (Ansel Elgort), who needs to listen to music all the time to silence the ring that haunts his ears since a childhood accident. Excellent driver, he is the official escape pilot for the Doctor (Kevin Spacey) attacks, but he cannot wait to leave his position and steering wheel.

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After meeting the woman of her dreams, waitress Deborah (Lily James), she recognizes the opportunity to get rid of questionable lifestyles and start from scratch. Forced to work for a crime boss, Baby decides to deliver one final blow, doomed to failure, which threatens her life, her love and her freedom. watch Trailer:

At 1:05, Cinemaço presents Os Mercenários (2010). In the first film in the franchise, Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone) is a group of mercenaries who carry out any mission until he is paid well. His companions are knife experts Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), Bao Tho (Jet Li) and Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren), who exhibit emotional instability in missions.

One day, Barney and his congregation are hired to overthrow dictator Garza (David Zais). They go to the scene and find Sandra (Gisele Itiye), who wants to confront the government. But they are soon attacked by Garza and an army of an American businessman who finances local power. Barney and Lee consider abandoning the mission, but Sandra’s persistence interferes with the protagonist’s already rough doctrine. watch the trailer:

The weekend’s marathon will conclude at 2:45 pm in Segundo am Kommando (2006) in Corugo. Military commander Sam Keenan (Jean-Claude van Dam) is just promoted and goes into action in a turbulent European country.

When local rebels attempt a coup, the president of the nation seeks refuge in the United States embassy, ​​which is soon surrounded by armed criminals. After the American diplomat is killed, Sam and a small group of marines are charged with repelling the embassy’s enemies and rescuing those still there. watch the trailer:

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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