Find out why McDonald’s Australia withdraws the DualSense themed giveaway

Find out why McDonald’s Australia withdraws the DualSense themed giveaway

to celebrate the 50th anniversary of McDonald’s Australia, the idea was to distribute the controls to the local suffrage PS5 With custom design. will come with control logo fast food, Drawing of french fries and even a hamburger. Of course fans didn’t like the idea very much, especially Sony itself, which did not authorize the distribution of their controls associated with it. Fast Food. With this, the franchise dropped the project, and now, the real reason to withdraw. double feeling Thematic has been published.

“Sony PlayStation has not authorized the use of its controller in promotional materials related to the proposed Stream Week event and we apologize for any inconvenience caused”Apologies to the snacks franchise. McDonald’s broadcast week has been postponed and Sony PlayStation controllers will not be included in the draw.“. As such, the celebration continues, but without the custom control.

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The situation may have broken Ronald McDonald’s heart, but Sony’s efforts to prevent another company from distributing its proprietary hardware are not surprising. Sony has already clashed playstation, the small company that wanted to make a personality faceplate for the PS5. First, Sony forced the company to change its name from ‘Platestation’ to ‘Customize My Plates’, and later the company’s name was changed to ‘CMPShells’.

They probably felt Sony’s legal team was serious, so CMPSshells abandoned the idea of ​​building these custom boards, shifting gears to build. skins that gamers can apply to their standard PS5 faceplate. Overall, McDonald’s Australia’s 50th anniversary celebrations will go off without a hitch, and if lucky, the franchise even convinces Sony to launch its own food-themed controller. have you thought?

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Via: Joey Giuliani / SVG

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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