Facing the ‘worst moment of the pandemic’, full imprisonment in Argentina takes effect

Facing the ‘worst moment of the pandemic’, full imprisonment in Argentina takes effect

“We must take the epidemic seriously and not naturalize such a tragedy,” Alberto Fernandez said in his declaration of sanctions; Lockdown must last until May 30

EFE / EPA / Yon ValetAccording to the latest bulletin published by the Ministry of Health, there have been 73,931 deaths from Kovid-19 in Argentina since the onset of the epidemic.

New term of imprisonment Argentina 22. entered into force on this Saturday. According to the president Alberto Fernandez, Severe restriction measures are being adopted to prevent the spread of Kovid-19, as the country is experiencing “the worst moments of the epidemic”. The lockdown will last until May 30. During this period, the presence of all social, economic, educational, religious and sports activities in Argentina will be restricted. Commerce considered necessary may work, as well as establishments that operate with home delivery.

“I always speak the truth to you, and you may or may not agree with my view, but there are truths that are above disagreement. We are going through the worst phase since the epidemic started. We Is registering the highest number of cases and deaths. We must take it seriously and not make such a tragedy natural, “Fernandez said when he announced the ban measures on Thursday, 20. According to the latest bulletin published by the Ministry of Health, Argentina Total 73,931 deaths COVID-19 Since the beginning of the epidemic. Of these, 695 deaths occurred in the last 24 hours. To deal with the epidemic, the country is betting on vaccination, but only over 8.6 million citizens in the country have received at least one dose of vaccination, with approximately 45 million residents.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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