Explorer ended because vaccine ‘spent microchips’, mocks Bill Gates

Explorer ended because vaccine 'spent microchips', mocks Bill Gates

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates tweeted yesterday (15) that the company had to shut down Internet Explorer because they “run out of microchips” due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I think we have run out of microchips” tweeted in response to a post on “The Daily Show”. The humor show’s profile read: “Wow, Bill Gates encourages everyone to get vaccinated, then a year later Internet Explorer dies. Coincidence???”

Of course, both the posts were nothing more than a joke. They make fun of the conspiracy theory that is vaccinated against coronavirus Traceable microchips were used to implant – and behind it was Bill Gates.

origin of fake news

The rumors surfaced in March 2020, when Gates mentioned in an interview that “we will have some digital certificates” that will be used to show Who got cured, who got tested and who got vaccinated.

The billionaire never mentioned microchips. However, the speech led to a widely shared article titled, “Bill Gates will use microchip implants to fight coronavirus.”

At the time, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation stated that “digital certificates” referred to the creation of an open-source digital platform aimed at increasing access to secure at-home testing.

the end of an era?

Internet Explorer (IE) mentioned by “The Daily Show” is related to? browser technical support shutdown Which happened on Wednesday (15).

With this, there will be no more security updates and improvements on the platform that was launched in 1995. Having become obsolete with the advent of Chrome, from GoogleAnd Apple’s Safari, Internet Explorer, was replaced by Microsoft Edge, which became the default browser for Windows.

For nostalgia, the new software will have an option to enable IE mode, allowing browsing as if the user were using an older browser. It will also allow access to the sites the program was designed for.

*with information business Insider And BBC

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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