Donald Trump attacks Fox News: ‘They forgot the golden swan’ | US News

Donald Trump has launched a storm of condemnation of the tweet Fox News, Accusing the network of forgetting “what made them successful, what got them there”.

Trump wrote in a tweet posted on Thursday afternoon: “They forgot the golden swan.”

Donald J.

.Fox News The day’s ratings are completely collap. Weekend day time also year. It was very sad to see this happen, but they forgot what made them successful, what they got there. They forgot the golden swan. The biggest difference was in the 2016 elections and in 2020 Fox News!

November 12, 2020

The post came after the president, who has denied losing to Democratic candidate Joe Biden, returned a number of comments from supporters, many of whom said he would rather be right. Pro-cable channels and websites will rely on Newsmax.

Late on Thursday, the top story on was headlined “Sen. Ted Cruz to Nimamax TV: ‘No Media Presidency Decision Making’.”

One of Trump’s retweets was from a user, Appalachian Christian, who said: “Call yourself Left Focus 4 News MexicoX.

Fox Biden was the first news organization to call the state of Arizona and warned its readers that Trump’s claims of victory were false.

On Monday night, Fox hosted Neil Cavoto Different from a campaign program White House Press Secretary Callie McNenny was hosted at the Republican National Committee headquarters when McKinney said the Trump campaign team “wants to count every legal vote.”

“Wow, wow, wow – I think we have to be very clear. She, on the other hand, alleges that fraud was welcomed and illegal voting was welcomed. Unless he has more information about it, I can’t take good care of it, I can’t continue to show it to you, “Cavuto told the studio.

Trump on Monday claimed without any evidence that the network’s “rating has been completely sedated.”

Trump’s New News is expected to embrace Zamax so as to boost ratings, with a breast jump from 65,000 people before the audience election. 800,000 spectators According to Nielsen figures quoted by the New York Times, the prime time of the week is revealed, with the NiMzmax app being the most popular on the Apple App Store on Thursday.

Later on Thursday, however, Trump praised him in a tweet Two focus hosts, Breaking the “must see” section by longtime Trump loyalist, commentator Sean Hannity, and the “confirmation and power piece” by Fox Business Network anchor Lou Dobbs.

Trump has made no public appearances since Biden’s victory on Saturday, but has continued to tweet regularly.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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