When you see a peacock in the zoo or in the countryside do you stop to think about the wild origins of this bird? It is an exotic animal, which is commonly found in Brazil. It was widely distributed, seen not only in zoos but also on private properties, precisely because of its beauty. Here he is taken in captivity. But in his home country, India, he lives in wooded areas, free in nature.
In India in the 1960s, the Indian peacock was chosen as the symbol of the country. The animal is considered sacred throughout Asia. Even when the species invades an urban area, drivers make it a point to stop to admire this animal, as is the case with other sacred species.
“Here they are mythical animals and are considered sacred in our religion. All species of peacock are considered sacred. And crossing with such a bird represents fate for us”, tells Indian Kirubha Bose, who brings together a series of records of Indian nature.
In a recent video recorded by Indian, he showed an Indian peacock free in the forest. check out:
The video shows peacocks free in nature; Birds are considered sacred in India
Peacock is most precious as we see it as God and also as our national bird. And our Indian gods had made the peacock their identity. And that’s what makes them even more special.
– Kirubha Bose, nature watcher
Indian Peacock (pavo cristatus) is the best known but it is not the only species of peacock that exists. There is also the green peacock (Pavo muticus), metallic in colour, endemic to Asia and the largest of the peacock family, which can exceed two meters in length from beak to tail; and Mor-do-Congo (Afropavo congensis), which is found only in certain regions of Africa. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, both are in serious danger of disappearing.
See below for details of these birds:
Discover a species of peacock — Photo: Thais Pimenta / Terra da Gente
According to Bose, the crown on this bird’s head resembles a six-pointed star, symbolizing connection with the spiritual side.
In Hinduism, the bird is a symbol of wisdom, benevolence and compassion. Hindus also consider peacocks sacred because they see the spots on the tails of birds as the eyes of the gods.”
Birdwatcher’s photograph of a peacock in India — Photo: Photo: Kirubha Bose
According to biologist, Luciano Lima, mutations that cause a total or partial loss of melanin and other pigments that give color to birds can result in individuals who deviate from normal color patterns. They can be classified as leukistic, albino and other color mutations.
“Colors can vary greatly because it is a mixture of species. But in some cases, crossings lead to surprising feather colors. Species with brown and even purple tones have already been registered,” They said.
Even though it is not a Brazilian animal, the peacock bears the color of Brazil in its feathers – Photo: Fabio Salvatori / VC No TG